Por si alguien quiere ir aun a alguno de los 2 atp navideños...hay mas entradas a la venta.
1. We're pleased to be able to release a small amount of previously production held apartments for both of previously sold out Christmas ATP Festivals.
We hope to complete both line-ups very soon so keep an eye on the website next week.
We will also soon be announcing the line-up for our In Between Days event, which runs between the two December festival weekends. For £100 per person you can stay for the four nights between the events and we will be putting on some amazing music every night as well as other activities.
Don't worry if you're not coming to both weekends; the In Between Days are open to anyone who wishes to stay after the Nightmare weekend or anyone who wants to arrive early before Ten Years too! For more info email us at feedback@atpfestival.com with IN BETWEEN DAYS in the subject line.